Young Adults Division

OneFamily developed a Young Adults Division to answer the needs of bereaved and wounded terror victims aged 18-30. Victims of terror in this age range tend to fall between the cracks of the national support systems. They are no longer children, but their needs vary greatly from those of adults.

People in this age range are supposed to be stepping out into the world and beginning their own independent lives. At the same time, terror victims are either suddenly coping with the tremendous anguish of bereavement or must deal with a long and intensive rehabilitation process.

The emotional strains compound the economic realities that they face as they embark on career and life choices, academic or professional study, moving out on their own and building significant lifetime relationships.

Frequently following such trauma, young adults have difficulties making significant decisions, or are unable to devote the proper attention and concentration to academic, professional, social or family framework. Many young adults find themselves unable to function fully in their surroundings, creating situations that are likely to snowball into complete functional breakdown.

OneFamily’s Young Adults Division addresses the distinct need among this population for emotional support, network building and acquiring the tools necessary to build strong and stable lives.

Young Adult Division Counselors

The counselors in the Young Adults Division come from therapeutic fields and participate in on-going professional training throughout the year. Each counselor is regularly mentored by a senior clinical psychologist.

The counselors function on two levels: Personally providing guidance and counseling to help victims advance toward normative lives – scholastically, emotionally and in building healthy relationships; and facilitating social programs to build connections between and among the victims, and empowering victims to support and derive strength from each other.

Counselors provide personal counseling, emotional therapy, support groups, guidance in education, direction in choosing a profession, support in achieving professional goals, and emotional and social programming.

The counselors facilitate and participate in the therapeutic retreats in the spring and autumn, summer programs, social events, therapeutic activity groups and special events. OneFamily counselors provide personal counseling, and a direct, personal presence at family memorial services, family celebrations and home visits.

Retreats and Therapeutic Services

The efforts of the One Family’s Young Adults Division are based on the successful OneFamily models for addressing the social and emotional needs of bereaved and wounded adults.

OneFamily’s Young Adults Division helps victims of terror in this unique age range to build strong and beneficial personal and group connections with others like them, while creating a safe and protected space for them to regain their ability to function.

The Division organizes and provides programs and support activities, including twice-yearly short retreats, therapeutic workshops in which participants acquire coping tools and mechanisms, day-long social excursions, Memorial Day events, home visits and regular phone contact.

Employment Support

Many bereaved or injured young adults, at the beginning of their professional careers, have difficulties entering the workforce. Trauma symptomatically can make decision-making and relationship-building extremely difficult – both essential elements of young adulthood.

Some victims find themselves in a position of having to emotionally support their households and cannot devote the necessary time to finding or maintaining their first job. Others suffer damage to their ability to work, lower self-esteem, a lack of ability to concentrate, and a general inability to function – all of which affect long-term personal success.

In partnership with Israel’s Employment Service, headhunter companies, and other partners who specialize in employment coaching and networking, OneFamily enables victims to gain the motivation and, with the right resources, maintain successful employment.
OneFamily is continuously developing employment programs for various groups of Young Adults throughout the country.

University Scholarships

Help a Terror Survivor Attend University

Victims of terror and their families suffer lifelong emotional damage – but that’s not all. The downstream effects of trauma can lead to family impoverishment when survivors struggle to maintain employment. OneFamily is here to help the children / young adults of those families, who may lack education opportunity because of financial struggle.

Karine Malka was 23 years old and had just begun her university studies. In her name we raise money to send survivors of terror to university.

Karine lost her life on August 31, 2004 at 23 years old. She was one of 16 people killed in the suicide bombing of a Beersheva city bus – one of two that day, on routes #6 and #12, just before 3:00PM. 100 others were gravely wounded.

The youngest in her family, Karine was a student of industrial management at the local College of the Negev. She was on her way to work that day at Beersheva’s Nurit Absorption Center, where she worked as an educator with new immigrants from Ethiopia.

Among those with whom Karine , worked are the six children of Tekele Tiroyaient, who was also killed in the terror attack.

Karine had premonitions of death, and would often tell her family, “I’m probably going to be killed in a terrrorist attack,” her brother, Yossi, recalled. “She kept repeating it,” he said.

Karine Malka was buried in Beersheva. She is survived by her parents, Sara and Rafi, a brother, Yossi, and sister, Orit.