Healing Retreats and Workshops

One of the primary ways in which OneFamily assists victims of terror is through emotional support provided through healing retreats and therapeutic workshops for bereaved parents, parents of injured children, bereaved or injured young adults, widows and widowers, orphans, bereaved siblings, and wounded or maimed victims of all ages.
Each healing retreat involves 80 and 200 people of similar experiences who then form smaller, more localized support groups where victims continue to provide victim-to-victim support, learn from each other’s experiences, and give and receive comfort. At OneFamily, we strive to overcome terror together.
Through intensive and long-term therapeutic workshops (one-time) and support groups (meet weekly or monthly), terror victims are empowered to deal with their psychological and physical injuries on a daily basis.
Each workshop or group is conducted by specialists in various fields of bereavement counseling, emotional and psychological well-being and interactive therapy. They take place in calm, healing environments and bring together 10-12 victims for facilitated victim-to-victim therapy.
The workshops and groups help the victims deal with self-esteem issues, adjust to new socio-economic pressures, learn various techniques to cope effectively with crisis and pressure, deal with society’s attitude toward terror victims and provide general enrichment.
Special emphasis is placed on the relationships within the family and between the couple as well as understanding personal health and the effects of laughter, enjoyment and leisure on self-esteem and psychological and physical recovery.
Support Groups and Social Clubs
Support groups and social clubs allow people to come together with others who have gone through similar trauma and enjoy some time together talking and participating in activities.
Through healing retreats, workshops and support groups, OneFamily provides victims with a safe community to express and feel their pain and their fears, while providing them the opportunity to begin building something new in their lives.